the academics
What does it take to stand for the things you believe in?
This workshop inquired into the nature of the courage in modern organisations. Using visual imagery and short passages of writing, participants explored what it takes for each of us to find the courage to genuinely follow the path of innovative inquiry and development.
Working with my colleague, Dr. Jennifer Rosenweig, I devised a series of images that were a response to participants' digital photographs and written notes expressing 'moments of courage.'
We exhibited the images at Ashridge, the European Business School and consulting organisation. Then, during a two-day workshop examining the impact of courageous action for individuals and groups, we continued the 'visual conversation' and dialogue.
"Thanks again for a wonderful workshop. Being surrounded by beautiful images for a few days is so life-enhancing and I’ve had some glimpses of illumination that feel as though they might be quite transformational, though I couldn’t explain it in words yet (if ever!)."