Big, bad and bendy...
Mmmm... I might need to re-think these Photo-Dialogue post titles... If you have arrived here after putting Big, Bad and Bendy into a Google search then you might be in the wrong place! Here on P-D we are talking buses! (Obviously...)
The crazy red bus seems to have caused a kerfuffle - people are secretly emailing that they like red buses too...
This could become an obsession... I have even found a place on the Euston Road where the ambient night time lighting is so good that it doesn't have the yellow cast that this inferior Tottenham Court Road example shows... (This image has such a mishmash of horrible lights that I can't even Photoshop them away..)
The bendiness of this bus isn't really apparent but, ever since Boris said he was going to get rid of them, I've become quite a fan.
Will the bendy bus replace the iconic 'Routemaster' as a signifier for the Streets of London? Mmm - doubt it. But - if you've ever taken a ride on a Routemaster you will know how truly awful they were.
Anything is possible!