Slinkachu sees a different perspective...
My mate Loz, who runs Glow, an innovation consultancy, was the first person to show me Slinkachu's little people.
The High Life. Photos: Slinkachu
Slinkachu's images are funny, creative and thought provoking. They make us think twice and look again...
The 'Little People Project' was started in 2006 and aims to encourage city dwellers to become more aware of their surroundings. The miniature sets are created from model train characters who are repainted, photographed and then left on the street to become tiny art installations which, according to Slinkachu, reflect the loneliness and melancholy of the big city.
They seem to do more than that for me... There is the question of other worlds, of things happening around us that we neither notice or understand, the things we are blind to.... if only we looked....
The book that Loz showed me, 'Little People in the City: The Street Art of Slinkachu' is gorgeous - I'll be buying a few to give away as Xmas prezzies...
PS. Following up on Loz's comment below here is Slinkachu's 'Crappy Christmas'....!
Crappy Christmas. Photos:Slinkachu