Christmas Wishes
Here it is - coming to save you the long walk home - the Christmas Red Bus!
I'm signing off now until the New Year and so I'd like to offer some sincere thanks to everyone who has helped me make Photo-Dialogue happen this year.
Here is my Xmas link-fest (in rough order of appearance) I apologise in advance if I miss any of you... and there are, of course, many who remain anonymous.
Very many thanks to:
David Alan Harvey and Burn magazine
Workshop and PhD colleague Jennifer Rosenzweig
inVisio and the excellent Delta7
Photographer Michael Francis McElroy
Jeff Monday's dots...
Photographer Edward Burtynsky
Photographer Nick Smith
Top-communicator Robert Digings
John Caswell's work at The Opposable Thumbnail
Amazing Photo-Journalist Jez Coulson
Beautiful Malin Svensson
Visual facilitators Mariah Howard and Julie Gieseke
My Hellsten's cows...
Awesome Jeff Charbonneau and Eliza French
Lynda at An Enchanted Forest
Photographer Tom Chambers
Photo-researcher Rob Coley
The brave Brian Lawson at Consilient Consulting
Tim Casswell of Creative Connection
Marie Puybaraud, Anne Marie McEwan and the JCI Global Mobility Network
Stephan Harding and Schumacher College
Slinkachu's little people
Richard Barnes and Animal Logic
Francis Gardler and David Labelle
This has been such a great year; through Photo-Dialogue I have developed new friendships, new projects, looked at and taken thousands of photographs, discovered the joy of buses (!) and developed my work as a consultant in bringing visual learning to my clients.
Thanks again for reading or contributing. I will be looking for contributors to be part of Photo-Dialogue in 2009, so if you would like to join me or show your work here, then please do drop me a line!
Season's greetings,