Enough Difference...?


Then I looked up and noticed it was Spring....​

Hey, it's been a while...​

​I've been working pretty hard just lately. Life has been a fascinating whirl of inquiry, imagery, travel, coaching and consulting; all of which I absolutely love. It has been a great time and I am extremely grateful for the interest my clients show in my work.

​And I also notice that I've been getting tired, jet-lagged and often feeling like I need to be somewhere else.  At the next place on the schedule or with the next client.  These are symptoms that I recognise in many of the great folk with whom I work. They are stressed, tired, travelling, needing to be somewhere else... smartphone to hand... struggling to be present.

​Many consultants attempt to be fully involved in their client's world. They gain authority and power through specific subject matter expertise. I have always worked rather differently.

I work with a minimal overlap into my client's working lives. My expertise is fundamentally different to theirs and that's where the creativity lies. ​And if I join their worlds for too long I know I lose that sense of difference. So success is double-edged; it's great news and yet it corrodes my offer.

​Lately I have been politely declining offers of work.  

My clients and I need quality not quantity.

Which means that today I was able to re-familiarise myself with the difference that I bring.