Reflections on blogging....
Red taxi blur
I'm often asked how I keep to the discipline of regular blogging... No secret; just do it!
But there are a few strategies, like having a bit of a plan in advance, keeping some stuff up your sleeve just in case.... Check out Darren Rowse on Problogger - he has the best 'how to' blog I've seen.
When I interviewed Jez Coulson he said that when he was ultra-busy he posted a lot of blurry yellow taxi shots - and check out Jezblog to see how productive he is...
Tomorrow I have to get on a train North to deliver a workshop, tonight I have a deadline to meet for an article (not yet started...) and I need to finish this post. It's going to be a late one....
So... here is my version of Jez's blurry yellow taxi: a very blurry red taxi... and, yep, almost got run over by that one...;-))