In the hot seat
Jill and I worked on this image of her work as a consultant and facilitator. Our picture shows a particularly tough moment where Jill was about to step into the heat of a facilitating an anxious, intensely conflicted team enduring the worst effects of the financial meltdown. Her coping strategy was to sit quietly and calmly, making journal notes before joining the group - actually she thrives in these sort of situations and brings an irrepressible energy and confidence to her work.
Her intervention took place with the exceptional levels of skill and resource that I have come to recognise in Jill. During our follow-up conversations I have been interested in how Jill visually represents herself to clients. In fact, she uses a straight forward bio - including a simple passport style head-shot photo. As a statement of identity, it doesn't do any justice to the expert role she takes in the 'heat of the kitchen' where she so competently operates.
The image questions for all us who offer ourselves as the primary aspect of our services:
- How are you seen by current and potential clients?
- How do you really see yourself?
- How clearly do you articulate what you do?
- And... How coherently do you 'show up'?
Would you dare to put an image like this an a bio or business card?