Photo-Dialogue at the Edges of Possibility



"Would you like to see the cover layout with the picture you took?"

"Oh.... you're using one of my pictures...?"

Erm... yes, I'd forgotten... really should pay more attention to that kind of stuff!

Anyway, welcome to the book that I know as 'Edges' which is out in September and is using one of the images from the 'Edges' photo series.  The book is about the latest, most cutting edge practice in organisation consulting and there is a whole chapter on Photo-Dialogue.

I had definitely not forgotten that; I wrote it...!

I'll also write a review as soon as I get an advance copy; it is full of some of the most interesting and engaging organisational change work that is currently available.

And is written by some of the most interesting and engaging change practitioners!!


Roll up, roll up...  get your copies 'ere ;-))