Finding a Voice
Well, the 'Edges' book launch went well last week. It was great to catch up with friends and meet new ones; less great to be the one of the people asked to 'say a few words....' How does that work? The most incoherent and inarticulate contributor gets to speak - that's why I take pictures - my ramblings rarely make any sense...!
Mmm...and sometimes my pictures don't either! Ah, well...
Life has been a little hectic since then but before I disappear south for a few days I see that PhotoVoice are celebrating their 10th anniversary with a series of lectures in London. I'm a fan of PhotoVoice and I'm trying to adjust my diary to see if I can get along. Sarah Moon, Mary McCartney and Anastasia Lind-Taylor will each feature in coming months. Check out their website for more details.