#1000Steps Update
Sherwood: Nikon D200
“Not all those who wander are lost.”
(J.R.R. Tolkien)
It’s been a while since I sent the kids off on a wander in Sherwood Forest.
(These days they don’t need me to drive them there anymore…)
Anyway, our wanderings are limited now and Sherwood is suddenly another world.
I’ve written a different style of blog for you this week. As my #1000Steps inquiry approaches the magical marker of 100 images published on social media, I’d like to show you how the project has grown and share some of the learning that has rippled out from the idea.
So, my first celebration is of the little community of photographers, travellers and wanderers/wonderers who have joined in the discovery - I’ll put a list of Twitter names in the notes for you to follow but, for now, a (very) small gallery some of the #100OSteps images that you have published for you to enjoy (sorry I can’t caption each image with a credit - but you’ll know who you are!):
As this embryonic group has grown, it feels like we are noticing and paying new, joyful attention to the often mundane, overlooked aspects of beauty in our day-today experiences. As we settle into mutual enjoyment and appreciation of our surroundings, the kindness, sharing and community makes an important contribution to our wellbeing in our confined, restricted circumstances.
And here are a few really helpful developments of the initial idea focussed on education and family:
For our youngsters:
@DrSusanZoll has outlined an excellent framework for a walking/photography activity for homeschoolers with Pre-K2 youngsters to explore maths, social studies, literacy art, physical development, tech and social development. Have a look at her excellent syllabus here.
For our elders:
@1000Rach has been inspired to drop a zero and work with her mum and dad making photos within #100Steps, helping them to stay active and share memories on WhatsApp. Here is mum’s first #100Steps photo!
For everyone:
This project has brought light and joy to my lockdown; I hope it’s done the same for you? Please keep sharing your images and ideas via the #1000Steps hashtag and drop me a line if there’s any ideas or projects where I can lend a hand… Send a note either via this blog or @DrSteveMarshall. I’m going to keep working/researching #1000Steps and it’s impact, and I hope a few of you might like to join the conversation.
But, meanwhile, let’s get some good time away from our screens and pay some attention to that strangely beautiful and glorious 3D world within #1000Steps from our door.
Time for a wander?
A shout out to some (and apologies to those I’ve inevitably missed!) of our regular #1000Steps tweeters and Insta friends!
@1000Rach @eberlin @markusmunch @stefanpowell @markrollason @DrSusanZoll @feastsandfables @simonncookson @ChrisChivers2 @ActiveCdale @DeborahHarkins @alanmgormley @LPinching @HelenChanges @mcwhitaker @__LookingGlass @obsidianbovril @alidonaldson @WendyFaux @KirstyTowler @SiobhanHRSheri
As I’ve paid more attention to boundaries, fence lines and the ‘lie of the land,’ I’ve become fascinated by ‘The Book of Trespass’ by Nick Hayes. It definitely appeals…
Also seen on Twitter, as someone who is a ‘trees person’ I was enchanted by this ‘tree bark gallery’ by @squinancywort1 - it travels with me now….
And finally, I’ve followed walker and photographer/writer Craig Mod for a while and his newsletters, Ridgeline and Roden, telling his stories of walking in Japan, are a joy.